Saturday, July 31, 2010
oie vay..I fell down and went boom
Well it started out just another lovely sunshiny day
Another record breaking high was the forecast they say
Maybe some scattered thunderstorms, might cool it down
A bit of rain to cool the air would be grand, steam rising off the ground
Well as I said just another lovely day was planned
Boyfriend had to go help his dad with a chore in this sand
He yelled to me through the window of the car as he drove away
Today is garbage day babygirl he did say
Hey!! I yelled back, that is your job each week
He left my words hanging in the air as he drove off to meet
His dad to help chop down a dead tree, roots and all then place another in the sand
So with frustration on my face, I got up to do one good deeds helping hand
Just a simple little job, what could go wrong
Empty the kitchen trash, bag it all up, no problem
Carried two big bags out to the garage, OK, so far the plan
Lift open the garage door put the bags in the big trash can
Grabbed the handle of the can, tilt it slightly roll it on out
OMG!! those dam water hoses delighted to do me in
Tripped, I did, still holding on to that darn trash can
Right down onto the concrete my shoulder did kiss it then, and on top was that dam can
OUCH!! now what, oh hell!! now I am all skinned and banged up to begin
What started out such a lovely day, except for the heat again
Oh Lordy!! I've jammed up my shoulder so bad
Sat there I did and just cried then got mad
I got myself up and rolled that dam can
To the end of the driveway, then went back in
The house and ran into the bathroom I looked
Into the mirror to see how much skin that driveway took
Oh my!! such a lovely bruise I will have
And a good reason to smack my boyfriend upside the head
So much for all my good intentions I will do
For several days now it is all up to you
Honey!! could you refill my coffee and then
Bring me a snack for breakfast to begin
Oh dear!! could you please type the words I need
So I can write this poem and tell this story so neat
sometimes you are just doomed from the minute your eyes open for the day...LOL
enjoy all.....hey, no laughing at my skinned & bruised shoulder from you all.....LOL
Written by
Live and Love each day the best you can....LOL
What great artistic creativity….new find
What great creativity. Take a look at what happens to your old tires?
Wonder what happens to old tires?
Things like this is just one of the reasons why I created 'The Crossing", for all forms of art and poetry. To bring together
all types of artistic creative minds to learn,
share and express their joy of
the arts with other
artists & writers
enjoy all
love asha
Sunday, July 25, 2010
because I call you my friend....
It Is all that is needed most times to begin
Now that I have gotten to know you
A new friendship that had just began
I will not try to tell you that you must have faith
To make your life happy again
But I will walk beside you
Leaving my footprints in the sand next to you.Because I call you my friend!!
It Is all that is needed most times to begin
Now that I have gotten to know you
A new friendship that had just began
I will not try to tell you that you must have faith
To make your life happy again
But I will walk beside you
Leaving my footprints in the sand next to you.
I will not tell you that you should look toward the light
To open your heart for love to find you happiness again
But I will sit quietly, a lovely day on a park bench, just to watch the birds sing, with you
And maybe say a silent wish for my friend
I will not tell you to put the past behind you,
To move forward in life to find love again
But I would wrap my arms around you and hold you,
If you needed a friend too
I will not tell you to pray to God,
That he may forgive your sins in life to begin again
But I would be an ear to listen
If you just needed someone to talk too
I will not tell you, how sorry I am
for all that you have been through, again & again
But I will cry with you, embrace you,
Or just agree with you, that life can be cruel
It is simplicity, of understanding, in the end,
Friends can know without words what the other needs from their friend
When friends begin to understand from simple words unsaid, from just knowing each
Communication that exists, can be understood in silence between close friends
For these things I would not do for you
Are the unsaid things not needed with friends
Who grow to understand without words unnecessary with friends
But just someone to be there, cause that is what friends do
It Is all that is needed most times to begin
Written by
Inspired by a new friend who brought a new understanding to me about friends understanding friends.
I will not tell you that you should look toward the light
To open your heart for love to find you happiness again
But I will sit quietly, a lovely day on a park bench, just to watch the birds sing, with you
And maybe say a silent wish for my friend
I will not tell you to put the past behind you,
To move forward in life to find love again
But I would wrap my arms around you and hold you,
If you needed a friend too
I will not tell you to pray to God,
That he may forgive your sins in life to begin again
But I would be an ear to listen
If you just needed someone to talk too
I will not tell you, how sorry I am
for all that you have been through, again & again
But I will cry with you, embrace you,
Or just agree with you, that life can be cruel
It is simplicity, of understanding, in the end,
Friends can know without words what the other needs from their friend
When friends begin to understand from simple words unsaid, from just knowing each
Communication that exists, can be understood in silence between close friends
For these things I would not do for you
Are the unsaid things not needed with friends
Who grow to understand without words unnecessary with friends
But just someone to be there, cause that is what friends do
It Is all that is needed most times to begin
Written by
Inspired by a new friend who brought a new understanding to me about friends
understanding friends.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
I hate you, Mr. Fate
Tears of sadness streaming down my face
A broken camera lens, broke my heart today
Threatens to dash all my hopes of something great
Another cruel joke Mr. Fate has thrown in my face
A twist of fate has made this such a bad day
My mind just refuses to contemplate
How will I know make a living from what I can't afford to replace
Oh fate, how much I hate you today
Just break my heart and throw it away
What twist do you have in-store for me tomorrow
Something else to break & bring me sorrow
How silly it seems to cry over a broken lens
If you could see Mr. Fate, inside my heart, would you then
Understand how much joy, taking natures photos, fills my heart again
Please just stop your cruel twists of fate
For I must sell my pictures just to buy a loaf bread for God's sake
Look Mr. Fate these are not tears of joy streaming down my face
Fate you twisted my heart then shoved it back in
Such struggle we all have go through, just to survive these days
Will you take what hope for a better life I have left
Go ahead, dam you fate, dash my heart on those your cold stones, fate, whats next
Did you not see how happy taking pictures made my heart not break
Dam you cold fate, now how do I fix what you broke, without money to replace.
Written by
July 24, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Dreams to Comtemplate
Those eyes that sparkle looked into mine, I'd cry
Your long dark hair where I hid from the thunderstorms of night
My fingers traced each strand felt like no end in sight
Your memories remind me of a warm safe place
Oh the ecstasy of lovers connected in times embrace
Crossing over Heavens sea where my warrior is waiting in my dreams
Be still this heart of mine, for soon you will sail free, without this physical me
I look out my window so sunny of late, and try to contemplate
Will there be another love cross my path blessed from your fate
Happiness I know are the messages you have sent in my sleep
Without you, how will I know which to keep
When fear haunted my nights, lightening and thunder made me hide
I remember the words you whispered in my ear, "it will be ok lil one no need for freight"
"Snuggle close into my arms as you drift on serenity"
"Dream of me here with you keeping you safe for all eternity"
Now awake from my dreams created from your fate
But I still hear your words whispered in the breeze so latent
Tossing in these sheets of mine, fearing to breath and miss those words so divine
Come to my dreams my love, make love to me again, oh how divine
Written by
Monday, July 19, 2010
Angel's and The Devil Fight Cross The Sky...could be a song
Personal Opinion shown in this poem are not intended to influence others

Angel's And The Devil Fight Across The Sky
I walked to the top of that plateau...
I sat under the weeping willow...
As I laid back on the soft grass...
I looked up to the Heavens in the sky...
Visions of a battle I could see in my mind...
Angel`s and the Devil fighting cross that sky...
Two important questions did enter my mind...
As I lay there looking up at the sky...
How do we know where we go when we die?...
A battle being fought for our souls...
With Angel's and Devil cross the sky...
Where do bad folks go when they die?...
A battle being fought for your soul
Angel's and Devil battle cross the sky...
How will you choose which way to fly?...
You better find that Angel before you die
Will go to hell and fry?
Do you have that Devil on your side...
Or is that Angel on your shoulder to guide you right...
I walked to the top of that plateau...
Where I lay under that weeping willow...
I looked up to the Heaven's in the sky...
Visions of a battle I could see in my mind...
Angel`s and the Devil fighting cross that sky...
Two important questions did enter my mind...
As I lay there looking up at the sky...
How do we know where we go when we die?...
A battle being fought for our souls...
With Angel's and Devil cross the sky...
Vrs 2
Where do good folk go when they die?...
A battle being fought for your soul...
Angel's and Devil battle cross the sky...
How will you choose which way to fly?...
You better find that Angel before you die...
Will you go to heaven in the sky?...
Do you have that Angel on your side...
Or is the Devil on your shoulder to make you fry...
Vrs 3
Which way will you head when you die...
To fly with the Angel's in the sky...
Or to Hells endless pit where you will fry...
When you see that Angel by your side...
You better wake up so you can fly...
With the Angel's in Heaven before you die ...
If you see that Devil by your side...
Get down on your knees and pray...
For that Angel to come be your guide...
End Chorus
I looked up to the Heaven's in the sky...
Visions of a battle I could see in my mind...
Angel`s and the Devil fighting cross that sky...
I have never tried to write a song before and I would not exactly call this a song, but I thought I would show it like one...Maybe someone might see if it can blow like a song since it was inspired by one of my favorites.
Written by
inspired by the song 'Lake of Fire" by Nirvana

my price to survive...
My place on this earth made so cold...
I gazed up at the sky...
OH how much I wanted to fly...
My life spitting out my soul...
The sun it shines reminding me of you...
Why can't I forget these memories so blue...
As I try to contemplate...
Never ending is never done...
Your death took with it all the fun...
Days of grace are lost in tangled webs...
I've been trapped inside your magnet of life...
Forever in death is my price to survive...
What would you have me do?...
I would loose my soul into infinity...
My love for you was meant for eternity...
But right now I'm stuck within this bliss...
Where is my ending that fits with now...
Maybe one day there will be no more doubt...
This is True Love From One of God's Creatures
This Is One That Should Be Shared

Love and compassion.

Come back to him again, He cries with adoring love.

With sadness and sorrow.

In America, Europe, Australia , and even India .
The photographer sold these pictures for a nominal fee to the most
Famous newspaper in France . All copies of that edition were
Sold out on the day these pictures were published.
You have just witnessed Love and Sorrow felt by God's creatures.
The Bible says God knows when a sparrow falls. How much more He cares for us
Grace is God reaching down
Faith is man reaching up!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
lust in the afternoon...
Make love to me this afternoon...
Create more memories of my lust for you...
Capture my heart and watch it bloom...
A lovers lust in the afternoon...
Oh the memories of your touch...
Wanting of you so much...
A kiss on lips of red is just...
A beginning of your love so much...
The scent of our lust upon your breath...
Captures my love with unrest...
Hold my body close against your chest...
Soft round breasts exposed in loves bed...
Quivering hips collide with yours...
A day of lust moistening sweet folds, exposed to you...
Your touch sweet bliss takes me to lusts untold...
Hold me close as our passions explode...
Oh the memories of your touch...
Wanting of you so much...
A kiss on lips of red is just...
A beginning of your love so much...
Such boldness as you enter my passions bloom...
Moans of this noon lust, float to the moon...
Caress these breasts this afternoon...
A sea of lust in your eyes, make me swoon...
The scent of our lust upon your breath...
Captures my love with unrest...
Hold my body close against your chest...
Soft round breasts exposed in loves bed...
Make love to me this afternoon...
Create more memories of my lust for you...
Capture my heart and watch it bloom...
A lovers lust in the afternoon...
Written by
July, 2010©
think I'm just done....

I'm not strong, I'm just weak...
I'm not dumb, I'm just numb...
I'm not like them, I'm just me...
Think I'm just done...
Shame on this world, making me swirl...
What do they know my own truth...
Foolish are the thoughts, you silly girl...
I lost my soul, just thinking of you...
Paranoia is deep in my own hell...
Whats the use living without you...
Fight my way back, from your spell...
Love myself better the fool...
I'm not strong, I'm just weak...
I'm not dumb, I'm just numb...
I'm not like them, I'm just me...
Think I'm just done...
My world looks so bleak...
So where do I go...
How many miles will I seek...
To lose my soul to you, how do I know...
infinity now what I seek...
See you again on that yellow moon...
I am weary of my mind grows so weak...
How long must I wait for my endless doom...
Blessing of this life have all passed my by...
There is no more sun, no more fun...
It's time for me to just die...
Come take my hand, holding this gun...
Friend all just hide...
They don't want to know...
How much I needed them to survive...
Nothing is left haunting memories of you...
I'm not strong, I'm just weak...
I'm not dumb, I'm just numb...
I'm not like them, I'm just me...
Think I'm just done...
Written by
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Crossing Over
A bond of soul mates to last a lifetime...
Connected as one, a love so supline...
A heart forever filled with love entwined...
Never before had love filled my heart so fine...
Dreams of forever always upon my mind...
Ecstasy of love making perfectly designed...
A love meant for all times sake...
No! No! I cannot forsake...
Our love was supposed to never escape...
Crossing over into heartache...
Your love now entwined with the angels at Heavens gate...
Spirits of life remain connected in time complete...
Making love to you cross spiritual gates...
Crossing over into heartbreak...
Take me with you for God's sake...
A love designed from Heavens will...
Making love to you where angels dwell...
Soul mates of life now death never be still...
Angel's in Heaven will sing with pride...
The final act to their creations of life...
Such love making will be our delight...
I will again be help close to your chest, in death...
To the other side we will complete, loves request...
Make love to me in times space, with no regrets...
Forever soul mates in life and death...
Soon my love soon, my last request...
To dance our love again with angel's as guests...
When my time comes to meet you, on the other side...
Our love shall forever collide with the angel's, by our side...
When death comes to take me to that bright light...
July 2010©
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
from beginning to beginning...

If your memories come to haunt me, of you?...
Then let them see all that is true...
Our love in life & death could never, be blue...
Soul mates in love always in bloom...
If my dreams of you torture my nights?...
Let them see our love was such delight...
Your touch on soft breasts, took my spirit to such heights...
Such delight will they see, as we make love, cross the night sky...
If this ring you placed on my finger, shows my love for you?...
A love never concealed and always true...
Then let them see the honor, I've bestowed on you...
That ring, after your death, remains on my finger, for this hearts love I bare you...
When my physical life comes to it's end...
Let them see our spirits loving each other, again...
Cross the magical sky exposing our love, as if it had never ended...
Our love will then, have come full circle, from beginning to beginning...
There is no end when soul mates connect and love begins...
Written by: