oie vay..I fell down and went boom...
Well it started out just another lovely sunshiny day
Another record breaking high was the forecast they say
Maybe some scattered thunderstorms, might cool it down
A bit of rain to cool the air would be grand, steam rising off the ground
Well as I said just another lovely day was planned
Boyfriend had to go help his dad with a chore in this sand
He yelled to me through the window of the car as he drove away
Today is garbage day babygirl he did say
Hey!! I yelled back, that is your job each week
He left my words hanging in the air as he drove off to meet
His dad to help chop down a dead tree, roots and all then place another in the sand
So with frustration on my face, I got up to do one good deeds helping hand
Just a simple little job, what could go wrong
Empty the kitchen trash, bag it all up, no problem
Carried two big bags out to the garage, OK, so far the plan
Lift open the garage door put the bags in the big trash can
Grabbed the handle of the can, tilt it slightly roll it on out
OMG!! those dam water hoses delighted to do me in
Tripped, I did, still holding on to that darn trash can
Right down onto the concrete my shoulder did kiss it then, and on top was that dam can
OUCH!! now what, oh hell!! now I am all skinned and banged up to begin
What started out such a lovely day, except for the heat again
Oh Lordy!! I've jammed up my shoulder so bad
Sat there I did and just cried then got mad
I got myself up and rolled that dam can
To the end of the driveway, then went back in
The house and ran into the bathroom I looked
Into the mirror to see how much skin that driveway took
Oh my!! such a lovely bruise I will have
And a good reason to smack my boyfriend upside the head
So much for all my good intentions I will do
For several days now it is all up to you
Honey!! could you refill my coffee and then
Bring me a snack for breakfast to begin
Oh dear!! could you please type the words I need
So I can write this poem and tell this story so neat
sometimes you are just doomed from the minute your eyes open for the day...LOL
enjoy all.....hey, no laughing at my skinned & bruised shoulder from you all.....LOL
Written by
Live and Love each day the best you can....LOL
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your story about taking out the trash. I am so sorry but I did have to laugh. No wonder you were so full of wrath. Bring me coffee and breakfast you screamed; and much to my delight he even had to type this story or so it seems.
Loved it,
Tamara Lesley